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Take a look at our congress Center

congress & INCENTIVES.

From private, small meetings and intimate gatherings to full week seminars & lavish special occasions, we can accomodate an event
of up to 900 persons in one of the best endowed congress centers in Tunisia.
A large congress room/theater ( Details ! ) and 5 commission rooms.

( Room capacity & dimensions ! )

Congress Center Details !

Our Congress Rooms

Area Height Width Length Theater School
« Carthage » 750 + 150 m2 900 700 200 500 900
«Layali El Andalous» 260 m2 200 120 60 180 220
«Kairouan» 105 m2 80 70 30 60 100
«Tozeur» 65 m2 40 30 20 25 50
«Nefta» 60 m2 30 20 15 20 40
«Salle VIP » 50 m2 10 - - 10 10

Make a Reservation

Send us a message with your desired room type, arrival date and number of nights you'd like to reserve, and we'll contact you in no time.